Archive for January, 2011

New Music From OMEGAS

Montreal punk rock band OMEGAS has a new song streaming on their Bandcamp page. The tune, from their upcoming LP Blasts of Lunacy, is titled “Peasant Dance” and can be heard below.

Punknews Streaming New JOYCE MANOR Release

6131 Records highly anticipated debut full-length from JOYCE MANOR is now streaming on the band’s profile page. The ten song effort of abrasive pop-punk/post-hardcore clocks in a noisy 19 minutes and is well worth your time. Check it out here.

Solid State’s THE FAMINE Debut New Music

From the inbox:

Lone Star brutal death metal outfit, THE FAMINE, has posted a brand new track from the forthcoming full-length, The Architects of Guilt, on the band’s official MySpace page, entitled, “Ad Mortem”.  The band’s second full-length for Solid State is set for a February 15th release.

- Choice press release quote: “THE FAMINE vocalist, Nick Nowell, explains, ‘Ad Mortem’ is a song about addiction, and the excuses we all have for our complicity. We’ll come up with just about anything to keep from being disgusted with ourselves.” Bears. I blame bears.

Stream: YOU ANIMALS – “Same Sky, Different Sea” EP

Same Sky, Different Sea E.P. by You Animals

- Something a little more relaxed than our usual noisy fare. These are alternative versions of songs that will appear on an upcoming YOU ANIMALS full-length (on the UK’s This Is Fake DIY Records).

FIRE AT WILL – “Hoping For The Best… Expecting The Worst”

Hardcore bands from France have largely remained hidden to US audiences while groups from The Netherlands or Germany have found many ways to earn exposure abroad. FIRE AT WILL  has had the good fortune to release their music in part through I For Us Records, a Belgium label who has seeming done a lot to [...]

First World Problems Podcast #5 Posted

From the inbox:

The fifth episode of “First World Problems: The Podcast” (previous guests include Riley Breckenridge from Thrice and Jason Welsher of To Die For Clothing) features Top 10 lists from the hosts Joey Cahill (6131 Records), Ray Harkins (ex-Taken, Mikoto) and Scott Arnold (bad ass) as well as Jeremy Bolm from Touche Amore’s list. Check it out here.

- Also included is some news about Sound and Fury 2011.

Best of 2010 Lists From James and Alex

Best of 2010 lists from Pastepunk bros for life (please cringe while reading that) have been added here. Note that Alex’s list features live videos from songs from each of his 10 entries. The one from WATAIN is particularly entertaining. You can almost smell the rotting pig blood from your speakers…

James and Alex Best of 2010 Lists

James Hepplewhite, Longtime Occasional Staff Writer A couple things out of the way: 1) As usual, these are my favorite records from this year. I’m certain I’ve missed a couple. Like the 2009, list, it’s in no order and unlike the 2009 list, there’s no single record above the rest. Find songs and play them [...]