Stephen Brodsky (CAVE IN) Streams New Full-Length

From the inbox:

We’re not exactly sure how he does it, but he’s done it again. Our man Stove Bredsky (a.k.a. Stovetop Bredsky, a.k.a. Steev Brawdski, a.k.a. Steve Brodsky) cranks out the sweet tunes like one of those Play-Doh confetti makers cranks out multicolored string-turds. Luckily, Bredsky’s shit won’t get stuck under your fingernails—it’ll just ping-pong around in your skull for a coupla years, during which time our man will have sawed off another 15 albums’ worth of infectious pop-rock delights.

This time, Brodsky has awarded himself The Black Ribbon Award for various questionable behaviors, the nature of which should remain unspoken—at least here, and by us. Fast on the shit-hot heels of last year’s catchy-as-fuck Pet Genius long-player, Brodsky has returned to his signature one-man band format, recording 18 tracks of melancholy melodiousness at Club Awesome in Somerville, MA.

The songs within were all originally written back in the ’90s, when Brodsky was piloting the almighty, ever-morphing Cave In through the thankless stream of commerce. Seriously, the vocal harmonies on this one are enough to make a grown man (read: us) weep.

listen: STOVE BREDSKY – The Black Ribbon Award

- It’s like Hanukkah in May!

- If you happen to live in NYC and have nothing to do on Sunday, May 25th, come to Generation Records to see a free solo performance by Stephen Brodsky at 4pm! – Jason