AEROPLANE, 1929 “The Holy Ghost”

I’m not sure I “get” their bandname, but the fellas in AEROPLANE, 1929 have constructed an impressive collection of songs with their latest EP, The Holy Ghost. Somewhere in-between the alt-country of THE SNAKE THE CROSS THE CROWN and the singer/songwriter indie vibe of DEAR AND THE HEADLIGHTS, The Holy Ghost‘s six songs come and go like a gentle breeze with incredible ease. Songs range from barebones folk (“Locomotives”) to mid-tempo country twang (“Scarlet Fever”) to upbeat and spirited (“Hounds At Heels”), and they are almost always topped off with some sort of built-up ending consisting of full band partcipation. Alex Mazzeferro’s relaxed yet poignant vocal performance perfectly fits the band’s aura as he touches on a variety of personal topics in a poetic sense (“I’m suspended, still, like an even scale, between my sorrow and my joy/ I’m still stuck trying to make sense of a mood that swings like a pendulum, of two equal halves…my fear and my hope“). I can only think of one other band that utilized a year in their band name (DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979), and, unfortunately, they hardly stuck around long enough to make due on loads of potential. I sincerely hope the same fate does not await AEROPLANE, 1929 because they’ve got a great vibe going on with The Holy Ghost and could easily make great contributions to the alt-country/folk world in the near future.
