WHITECHAPEL – “A New Era Of Corruption”

The ascendancy of a band like WHITECHAPEL eerily mirrors that of SUICIDE SILENCE. Both bands offer a cross-pollinated death metal/grind/hardcore sound that effortlessly moves between rolling dynamics, virtuoso performance, and hard-to-sustain momentum. Like their last full-length This Is Exile, the band seemingly arms up for ‘the fight’ as the songs charge on. WHITECHAPEL just kind of wear you down, which isn’t surprising considering the fact that they have three very sharp edged guitarists, and keen intuition on where to drop bleeding-eyeball leads. Between that kind of hyperactivity (“Murder Sermon” is like a ride on an out of control and severely damaged carnival ride), jackhammer drumming and the deeply growled, intimidating vocals, A New Era Of Corruption is successfully extreme and beyond the wall of disabling noise. Another plus is that all of the eleven songs fall roughly between three and four and a half minutes, which prevents the band from wandering off too far for its own good. MISERY INDEX is a band that comes to mind, despite them being more in the grind terrain — neither band threatens the listener with filler or unfocused artistic diversions. This might leave the impression of WHITECHAPEL being very mechanical in application (and the trigger happy drums don’t hurt), but behind the massive power of the band’s music is a whiff of theater, and that’s the reason the band is drawing so much attention.

Metal Blade