Strike First signs THE BURIAL

From the inbox:

From South Bend, IN comes a band fervent in their ministry and unequivocal in their message.  THE BURIAL have been making a name for themselves in the midwest and beyond since 2005. After several DIY tours and a release on Sancrosanct Records, The Burial are poised for solid growth with their Strike First debut The Winepress. The Burial plays finely executed metal inspired by Becoming the Archetype, Black Dahlia Murder, and Living Sacrifice, and they’re not inhibited about the substance of their music. “There is a war for your mind and soul, whether you believe or not; an enemy who will stop at nothing to destroy you. At the heart of our music is the worship of a Holy God, and a call to aggressive spiritual warfare.”

The Winepress will be available on Strike First Records August 17th. New music is streaming on the band’s MySpace page.

- I’m assuming here that AFTER THE BURIAL is never going to headline a tour with THE BURIAL providing support, despite it making possibly making Abbott and Costello quite proud.