MAKER – “I-91″ EP

Massachusetts’ MAKER are fast pop-punk/hardcore band employing hearty LIFETIME and FAIRWEATHER influences, not unlike their MA counterparts TRANSIT. If there’s got to be a new cycle of similar style bands coming out of the woodwork, I’m perfectly glad with it being this kind of music instead of more braindead metalcore.  MAKER’s energy level is high and the lead vocals are competent, but not particularly unique for the style. The tone of the vocals tends to blend into the guitars, and it would probably help the band to have some moments where the vocals are featured on their own so they stick a little stronger in the mind of the listener. Of the four songs, it’s the fourth one that makes the best case for the band, with its urgent driving beat, and effective use of layered vocals and memorably sung song title  ”Stand by Me.” As only a ten minute listen, I-91 solidly advertises what the band’s about, and shows off some flash too. Here’s to hoping they keeping working on what they’ve started.

Animal Style (vinyl) / Either/or/Records (CD)