Here’s what’s up: JOYCE MANOR’s Self-Titled record is short, abrasive lyrically, but carrying a little bit of Maybe I’ll Catch Fire-swagger. Maybe it’s OFF WITH THEIR HEADS playing Maybe I’ll Catch Fire with songs that revolve around addiction, alcoholism and even one song about a disingenuous famous friend. Alternatively, it’s a lot more bitter than the current crop of RAMONES-core bands. Joyce Manor doesn’t bounce as much, though there are obvious pogo parts. The guitars are just a little bit heavy. Not in a screamo way, but with a persistent pushy buzz. Sludgish. (Totally a word.)

I don’t see the lyrics as so much nihilistic as knowingly sad-sack with an earworm of a melody every so often that gets lodged in my brain like a foundational piece of architecture. Case in points: “hey famous friend, why you telling lies again” from “Famous Friend” is all you really need to know about it and “iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin your new leather jacket” from, uhhhhhhh “Leather Jacket”, sounds acidic enough to eat through your speakers. I don’t know if this will be on my best of 2011 list (beats me why I’m bringing this up 12 days into the new year), but at least four of the ten songs on this full-length seem they’ll earn permanent spots many playlists to come.

It’s self-loathing, snotty and bitter all around. A snapshot of JAWBREAKER perhaps… and “snapshot” is a good word to use since the full-length only runs for about 19 minutes anyway. If that sounds like the way you like your pop-punk, I can’t see you going wrong with JOYCE MANOR.

6131 Records