I found myself unusually ultra-wired on caffeine late last night while the wife and kid we’re sleeping and that resulted in spending a whole lot of time on the Bandcamp page from Rorschach Records. Their latest release is from Philly’s AMATEUR PARTY, which unexpectedly was a perfect fit at the time for my skittish mindset. The write-up on the label’s website  basically says everything I would have written here had I not looked there first…

Truncheons in the Manor is the first LP by Philadelphia’s AMATEUR PARTY in 3 years and their first full-length ever. The band recorded 10 tracks with drummer Steve Roche between 2009-2010 to make this opus of an album. The band has an all-star line up of Philadelphia musicians that have played in ARMALITE, OFF MINOR, KILL THE MAN WHO QUESTIONS and more, but really stands on its own without a resume. Similar to their style reminiscent of reggae punk/post-punk on their previous releases, the band develops their sound even further to maker their best and most cohesive recording to date. Fans of THE JAM, MINUTEMEN, TED LEO, and Kill Rock Stars bands take note, this record fits in perfectly with those of an older punk rock sound.”