ANTI-FLAG “Underground Network”

There are few underground bands today that command the insane following that comes out to ANTI-FLAG shows. With a fanbase that extensive thoughout every high-school practically in the United States, these guys have pretty much become the living embodiment of politically charged punk fucking rock. Just about everyone has an opinion on ANTI-FLAG over whether they are too preachy, hypocritical, or some other form of bullshit like that – ignoring the fact that unlike most of us, they are actually doing something in their activism…Anyway, that’s not relevant in this review, what is relevant however is the fact this is ANTI-FLAG’s most complete and competent work to date, and if this doesn’t make you want to spike up your hair, throw your fist into the air, and overthrow the government from the inside out, they I don’t know what will. I dug ANTI-FLAG’s last release, “A New Kind of Army,” but it suffered from a few near fatal flaws. All the good songs were in the first half of the disc, and it also sounded like it was recorded in a kitchen (oh wait…it was). Fortunately, the AF guys got smart and recorded at the Sonic Iguana this time around, finally making an album that sounds as good as the band does live. According to the band, they spent a ton of time getting these songs right before entering the studio, and that clearly has paid off as none of the sloppiness associated with their earlier releases is present. I’d hate to make this analogy, but this is tightly packaged, high quality rebellion fit nicely into a small plastic case. The songs are more sing-alongable than ever before (well maybe not better than the song “Die for the government” but who can top that?!?), especially on “Underground Network,” “Stars and Stripes,” and my favorite track on here, “Cultural Revolution.” The music I feel has actually grown harder, with a definite hardcore lean on a few songs – but that could be due to that much thicker guitar sound. Justin Sane’s vocals are clear, and thankfully avoid the whininess that sometimes plagues him while playing live. Mature streepunk? I’m not going to get into the politics on here, because that is much more of a personal thing, but hey, I’m all for higher education, and it’s an honest bonus when one can become more informed on controversial issues when listening to great music (check out the song “Vieques Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisted”). Finally of note, AF somehow got world-renowned author and professor Howard Zinn to write a short essay for the lyric book, which is quite impressive. I’m sure many people will say ANTI-FLAG has watered down their sound a bit because they are on FAT, or aren’t as “punk” as they used to be, but trust me, the people saying those things are people who haven’t given this disc a thorough listen. I can’t wait to hear the new material live, it’s going to be one heck of a showing.

Fat Wreck