CASEY JONES Debut New Music

On January 11th, Florida straight-edge hardcore band CASEY JONES will finally release I Hope We’re Not The Last, the band’s final full-length that has spent the last three years in purgatory. After reclaiming the effort from Eulogy Recordings, the band is putting it out on their own through singer Josh Jones’ own management company, The First Division (Jones also plays guitar for EVERGREEN TERRACE). You can listen to a new song from the full-length titled “Butt Hash” and read an interview with Jones via

- The song is about a supposed street drug also known as “Jenkem”. The Wikipedia entry on it is here and is a funny/sad read on the obvious likelihood that it’s a hoax (old news too as this went down in 2007). But old not, perhaps the band has a point in wondering how far we’ll go as people in surrendering to our addictions or weaknesses.