Editorial Content / News Bits

1. Last week Daytrotter posted its session with FAR. I wasn’t sure Jonah was into new recordings that didn’t sound like they came straight from an arena, but maybe he just had a change of heart. The reunited FAR is currently pushing their new full-length, At Night We Live.

2. BAND OF MERCY has joined Hellfish Family. Here’s the word from the band and label: “Call us whatever you want–vegan fascists, or terrorists. Just know that we are everywhere, and the animals will have deliverance.” Band of Mercy, formed from the ashes of DIE YOUNG (TX), is a band by vegans for vegans. BAND OF MERCY sets out to to deliver music that will fuel the fire for vegan fitness, increased libido, and last but not least… ANIMAL LIBERATION! Think Motorhead meets Die Young meets Bad Religion. An early punk vibe and driving guitars mixed with Daniel’s distinct vocals create an energetic atmosphere of noisy ruckus fun. Six songs that are perfect for everything from circle pitting to liberating animals. We plan of doing a small pressing and loading it full of extras. Keep an eye out for the 7″ later this summer! Check out a song off the new record on www.hellfishfamily.com“.

Everything goes in cirlces, a reaction to combat an extreme – I’m calling it now, 2011 will bring a huge revival in vegan straight-edge hardcore.

3. The Twitter account of @faketonybrummel is one of the funniest fake accounts I’ve seen in a long, long time. It;s even better if you visualize Tony as the bad guy in Inspector Gadget who is always stroking his cat…

4. Escapist Records will be working with DAYBREAKER. From the label: “Boston-based rock outfit Daybreaker will team up with Escapist Records for their debut release, The Northbound Trains EP. The band, which is comprised of seasoned veterans of the Northeast hardcore and punk scene – including members of With Honor and Ambitions – have recently completed the tracking for the release at Getaway Group Recording Studios.

In regards to the sound of Daybreaker, guitarist Jeffrey Aust states “While I still enjoy hardcore/punk music, this band has given me a new excitement for playing guitar and the opportunity to showcase some of my other influences that didn’t show through in previous bands, while still taking with me the do it yourself work ethic.”

“This is the band I’ve wanted to be in since I was a kid,” states vocalist/guitarist Dan Rose, “and we’re ready to work for it. The days of the A&R guy offering new bands a recording contract in the back of a smoky club are pretty much over. For a band to get noticed these days you have to dedicate the hours and write good and sincere songs, otherwise kids will see right through you. We’re ready to do both.”

The EP will feature seven songs and will be a vinyl/digital release only, out in late summer.