EXPIRE Debut New Material From “Suffer The Cycle” 7″

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Which has the better bands? East Coast or West Coast? This argument can finally be put to rest. The answer does not lie on the coasts. The answer lies within a new crop of young bands from the midwest. EXPIRE, the latest addition to the Six Feet Under (SFU) roster is leading the way. Having released a demo in 2009 followed by the Grim Rhythm 7″ in March of 2010, Expire has been busy writing songs, touring, and showing the hardcore scene what the future sounds like.

Suffer The Cycle is the new 7″ from Expire on Six Feet Under. Recorded at Young Brothers Studios with Taylor Young (Nails), Expire has put together 4 songs of straightforward, heavy-hitting hardcore. Members of Expire live in different parts of the midwest and the band seems to draw influences from the east and west coasts, finding a happy medium with heavy grooves reminiscent of the NYHC style and fast parts that are worthy of a good ‘ole California circle pit. If the best of both worlds sounds good to you, see Expire on tour, mark your calendars and get ready for Suffer The Cycle. It’ll be a great way to kick off the new year.

The new track “Sleep Lost” is up on the Six Feet Under home page.