Four Quick Reviews!!

THE DAMNED THINGS – Ironiclast (Mercury): I don’t think they’ll ever be a time where I write “featuring members of ANTHRAX and FALL OUT BOY” without cracking a smirk. Contextual circumstances aside, this is one very enjoyable “supergroup” of sorts, and it’s EVERY TIME I DIE’s Keith Buckley that truly holds the whole thing together. This must have been a dream opportunity for Buckley – an outlet to sing in a blues influenced metal band without the trappings of EVERY TIME I DIE’s longtime footing in hardcore. The album has some filler, but the memorable songs hold sway and the guitar playing is thrilling throughout.

DONNYBROOK – The Beast Inside (Eulogy): DONNYBROOK mostly vanished after the release of their stellar 2005 full-length Lions in the Game. More than five years later, the group returns with more battering-ram metallic hardcore, this time upping the metal quotient and street-wise character. A persistent hip-hop undercurrent runs throughout The Beast Inside, amplified both in Dre Stewart’s cutting voice and in the crushing guitar/bass crunch. Lions was more cohesive as a full-length, but Beast is hard times city.

SUMMER HOURS – Alone Together (Deep Elm): Cutesy three-piece indie rock with a charming female singer. Instantly reminded me of RAINER MARIA (in a flowery sun dress). Compared to some of the other bands Deep Elm has been signing lately, SUMMER HOURS feels a little simpler in structure and the songs do not seem as polished, which could go either way as a matter of preference. What I really do like though is that the ten song album is only 26 minutes long – no padded shoegazing or faux-artsy interludes. I expect this one to grow on me.

HEKS ORKEST – Endless Scroll 7″ (Youth Conspiracy): I mean this in the most complimentary way — HEKS ORKEST sound like a classic Lovitt Records band. The ex-member list for this Richmond, Virginia group is bananas, including ex-ENGINE DOWN, DENALI, SPARTA, AVAIL, and ACTION PATROL. There’s only two songs on this 7″ (with download code) but both have a killer FRODUS/SPARTA/HARAM kind of vibe… that noisy, but well-controlled take on loud indie/post-hardcore with an unshakable dancey beat. Would love to hear more ASAP.