Four Quick Reviews

CHANGE TODAY – The Survival EP (Hotfoot): Debut six song EP from this Louisiana five-piece hardcore band. MODERN LIFE IS WAR appears to be a big influence with these guys, but thankfully it remains just an influence, as the band strives to put its own stamp on things. Impressive drumming provides a great backbone to the mid-paced and faster material, while the low-slung shouted vocals set an angry defiant tone. No complaints here.

AUTOMATIC LOVELETTER – Truth or Dare (Sony): Not to be too cynical, but the push for Truth or Dare has been huge, and sort of in a “this is better than that PARAMORE band,” kind of way. Someone with the label actually had the guts to write “Equal parts PINK and FOO FIGHTERS, crossed with HEART or JOAN JETT for the Now generation.” Personally, I hear a kind of pitchy female vocalist singing with an average radio-friendly rock band with occasional flashes of aggression and memorability, but not nearly enough for a 50 minute full-length.

AUTHORITY ZERO – Stories of Survival (Suburban Noize/Viking Funeral): These guys are getting up into PENNYWISE territory for consistency/predictability, and not in a bad way. After a near-disaster run on the defunct Lava Records, the melodic skatepunk band is back with another slate of speedy sing-along anthems mixed in with some light dub and ska material. Easy on, easy off, and no one gets hurt.

KNUT – Wonder (Hydra Head): KNUT is basically the quintessential non-noisegaze Hydra Head band. With their technical, oppressively patient take on grimy metal, the band expresses its content to churn and grind gears into blunt surfaces. Truly, the Swiss band is an across the Atlantic counterpart to labelmates KEELHAUL, with maybe a stronger will to drain the blood out of each guitar crunch. KNUT is mysterious, exotic and engrossing, but only if you can part with instant gratification.