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INHERIT joins Reflections!

Some formulas never seem to fail. Nothing can beat hard riffing with meaningful lyrics. People are always hungry to hear music that makes them feel like wrecking the dancefloor or stage diving whilst blasting a song on headphones 10 minutes before their job interview.

At its essence hardcore is more than music. INHERIT, from London combine thrash/crossover guitar work with NYHC grooves and lyrics that go deeper than the usual tired clichés. Aggressive tunes to help you keep a PMA at a time when this world seems to be heading towards full collapse… Don’t lose hope.

INHERIT’s debut 7” will be released by Reflections Records this coming autumn. More news on the exact release date and pre-orders coming soon.

SUFFERING QUOTA joins Reflections!

I guess getting older doesn’t mean getting softer…. SUFFERING QUOTA is a four-piece consisting of hardcore and metal veterans from Groningen, The Netherlands, and upon hearing the first notes of their demo they completely blew us away. Their musical eruptions blending hardcore, grindcore and death metal showing their love for the extreme in music was exactly what we were looking for in a new band.

“We all like good music, whether it’s the hardcore from His Hero Is Gone and Cursed, grindcore from Assück (of course) and Phobia, the ‘screamo’ from Orchid or the death metal from Entombed or that once so famous ‘Bremen’ style from bands like Systral. We like it all. We even like punkrock as well! Eh… except the whimpy kind of course!”

The bands cultural background truly comes forward in their no-nonsense approach: A fast and brutal kick in the face leaving you gasping for air. Reflections Records is proud and above all filled with adrenaline to bring you once again a band that shows the essence of real hardcore: Anger and aggression packed in sound.

SUFFERING QUOTA will release their debut 12” this coming winter. More news on the exact release date and pre-orders coming soon.