STAY AHEAD OF THE WEATHER – “We Better Get Goin’ If We’re Gonna” EP

Few five song debut EPs have instantly introduced as much musical promise as We Better Get Goin’ If We’re Gonna from STAY AHEAD OF THE WEATHER. The band is more of a side project as it features members of INTO IT.OVER IT., NATIVE, and CSTVT, but if their songwriting stays at this level when they get into the studio again, I’m thinking it would be hard to not make this band a primary entity. STAY AHEAD OF THE WEATHER play midwestern emo mixed with faint threads of guitar heavy pop-punk.  The warmth of the guitars and well sung vocals brought to mind bands like HEY MERCEDES, early GET UP KIDS, and We Are The Only Friends We Have era PIEBALD. Notably, We Better Get Goin’ is aggressively short in running time. Just one of the songs moves past three minutes, and the rest never stray out of focus. The tight musicianship and songwriting encourages an enthusiastic and youthful element… the sort of earnestness that SAVES THE DAY once possessed before they started overthinking things. None of the five tracks particularly stand out over the rest and the group shies away from big honkin’ choruses. Several stabs of well positioned gang vocals will be anticipated in the live setting.  With No Sleep Records already working with INTO IT. OVER IT., it’s hardly a surprise they put out this 7″/digital EP as well… and it will even less of a surprise when people start clamoring hard for a full-length from the band.

No Sleep Records