Suburban Home “Adopts” THE EVENING RIG (ex-THE CARDINAL SIN)

From the inbox:

Suburban Home has adopted Minneapolis, Minnesota band, THE EVENING RIG. We will be helping The Evening Rig to release their new album, Nothin’ to Hear Here which will be released in late 2011/early 2012. Until then, we ask you to please enjoy the 11 song sampler which compiles a number of tracks from the band’s first 2 albums, Never Been’er, and Is Doin’ Stuff.

The Evening Rig started when members of THE CARDINAL SIN and the CRUSH got together to start writing music. After releasing their first album, Never Been’er, Peter Jesperson (Manager of the Replacements, A&R of New West) had this to say: “The Evening Rig are one of those rare rock groups that seem to turn up out of nowhere, holding all of the goods. Their debut album, Never Been’er, is astonishingly strong, well written and played, confident, powerful, melodic … the singer in particular just kills me. They’re the best new band I’ve heard out of Minneapolis in eons.”

This pretty much sums up how I [SH owner Virgil Dickerson] feel about the band’s first 2 albums and throughout the years, I’ve gotten to know them very well. I’ve actually known Rebecca “Becky” Hanten since her days in the Cardinal Sin. Early this year, I went out to visit an old buddy who lives in Minneapolis. During this time, I got to hang out with the members of the Evening Rig quite a bit and it became pretty clear that we see eye to eye with regards to music, touring, and putting out albums. When I booked a few shows for the Evening Rig in Colorado, we again hung out and the conversation came up that we should figure out some way to work together. They mentioned that they were planning on recording and self-releasing their upcoming album, Nothin’ to Hear Here, and I just threw out the possibility of helping them promote and distribute the album. I’m very happy to say that they were into this idea and as such, we will help release the record in early 2012. The Evening Rig carry the torch that Midwest acts like Husker Du and The Replacements helped to light. They have played with Lucero, Two Cow Garage, The Hold Steady, and more. They will fit in nicely with the Suburban Home Family.

The Evening Rig 11 Song Sampler by Suburban Home Records