THE GHOST INSIDE – “Returners”

Three years after the release of their massive, breakdown heavy debt full-length, Fury And The Fallen Ones,” THE GHOST INSIDE hit back with Returners, a more intricate hardcore/metal affair that digs deeper than simply bringing the mosh. While speed, buckets of double-bass, and outstretched, shouted vocals are still part of the band’s musical agenda, there’s a newfound respect for atmospherics, not unlike their labelmates in HUNDREDTH, and not terribly afar from genre cornerstones STRONGARM and later, BELOVED.  Returners is blessed with huge swells of movement – it’s an album that mostly moderates tempos between “fast” and “faster” while the guitars chew up any peripheral distractions. But for the closing minutes of Returners, the listening experience though is decided linear as the band doesn’t reach out from its comfort zone, and with almost all songs hitting a 3:30-3:45 minute sweet-spot, THE GHOST INSIDE forgo jarring elements. And that’s the lasting impression I have Returners – the style and sound of the band is memorable, but none of the songs truly standout. As a whole composition and 38 minute listening experience, the ride is consistency high-flying, but once it’s over, the walk-away feeling is relatively mute.
