Tribunal/Divebomb to Re-Release CRO-MAGS “Alpha Omega”

From the inbox:

Divebomb Records has partnered up with Century Media Records to reissue one of the most overlooked crossover albums ever, CRO-MAGS’ Alpha Omega. Since the original release of Alpha Omega in 1992 its creative origins have been long argued amongst the band members, and with so many turbulent rumors floating about it’s no wonder this record has neither been properly understood nor – even worse – acknowledged by many CRO-MAGS fans. We, at Divebomb Records, remain unconcerned with the drama as we feel the music created during this time in the CRO-MAGS’ career is some of the band’s best. Sure such a statement could be debated for years, but the bottom line is that Alpha Omega is, in our opinion, some of the finest crossover metallic hardcore NYC has ever produced, period.

We won’t bore you with typical descriptions because the legacy of the CRO-MAGS certainly speaks for itself. We’re confident this album warrants a rightful place in your collection – regardless of whose side of the fence you reside on – and we hope to finally bring this much-treasured classic back into the favorable light it has always deserved!

- Divebomb releases are CD only and limited to 1000 copies. The reissue has been remastered by Jamie King and will also include a bonus music video and revamped liner notes. In general, Divebomb is up to some incredible stuff and the reissues they have put together are of outstanding quality.